Anand sharma
3 min readJul 14, 2020


The path to salvation begins here..

I am sure that each one of us have faced some or the other issues in our life. Right from our childhood day’s life has a unique way of throwing challenges at us. And we, human beings for some reason always believe that the grass is greener on the other side. At various points of life we over estimate our abilities to handle problems and at various other points we want empathy/sympathy for the problems we face. It is how we handle crisis that defines us as human beings. Crisis has always shown the character of a human being.

However have you ever thought of a ring of energy that many a time saves you or helps you in overcoming challenges in life?

Let me give you one example. In the great Mahabharata war Arjuna’s chariot never seemed to get damaged .It was only after the war was over that realization dawned upon everyone that was it not for divine protection offered by Hanuman and Lord Krishna the chariot of Arjuna would have been damaged during the war itself.

For a moment let us all take a pause in our lives. Let us appreciate the various people in our life who play such an under rated role in our success and help us in fighting demons. Every single day we hear stories of how much of a problem mental stress is causing to human beings throughout the world. I am sure most of us have a set of people in our life that we go to the moment we fall into a crisis. Many of them selflessly help us by going out of their way and ask for nothing in return.

But do we take them for granted? Do we at some point in our lives get in to such a self obsessed mode that we forget to acknowledge their part in our successes in life? Do we start believing that it was purely our abilities all along that led us to our path of success?

In our work life itself, there are times when we get support from many colleagues but when we taste success we forget to acknowledge all the help we received and start believing in our own hype. This results into nothing but a chain of negativity, jealousy etc which has the capability to destroy all the goodwill ever created.

They say that Charity begins at home. So before we start advising the world on various things, let us all take a pause and appreciate everyone who has made a positive influence on our life.

Is it too much to ask of mankind? If yes then I am afraid mankind is in serious danger. But I believe that our beautiful world can be salvaged again. It’s time to create a new playbook of life where we learn to share our successes with others.

There is a beautiful quote which says ‘ Only who can see the invisible, can do the impossible’. The path to salvation begins here. Let’s usher in an era of tranquility where we acknowledge the forces around us whether visible or invisible and I am certain that anyone who is capable of this will have the power to change the world for the better.



Anand sharma

A person who believes in living a life that is worth something to the world.